Safety & Security

Ringling College Office of Public Safety is located on the first level of the Kimbrough Building and provides protection and service to the College community by foot, motorized carts, and vehicular patrol 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Public Safety is composed of a Director, Assistant Director/Technology Specialist, and public safety and communications officers. They are charged with the responsibility of making s u r e federal, state, and local laws, as well as College policies and procedures are obeyed and enforced. Officers respond to emergencies and calls for general assistance; respond to fire and burglar alarms; lock and unlock campus facilities according to schedules; monitor campus activities; and coordinate response efforts in the event of an incident or emergency.

The Public Safety Office works directly with various campus offices to address security and safety concerns associated with lighting, landscaping, environmental safety, and life safety issues. Once a concern is noted, the Office of Public Safety forwards the information to the appropriate department for corrective action.

Ringling College is located in an urban environment and the Office of Public Safety constantly considers a variety of safety initiatives in new construction or renovation planning. Initiatives may include, but not be limited to, lighting, video surveillance, electronic access control, and crime prevention through environmental design techniques to provide the highest level of safety for our students, faculty and staff.

Public Safety Officers are not commissioned law enforcement officials and do not possess the authority to make arrests. The jurisdiction of Public Safety Officers is limited to properties owned or controlled by the College. Public Safety Officers receive training in first aid, CPR/AED, and fire safety. Criminal background checks are conducted on all officers as well as preemployment education level verification, previous employment history, and motor vehicle verification checks.

The Office of Public Safety does not have any written “memorandum of understanding” (MOU) agreements with local and state law enforcement agencies for response or investigation of crimes, but maintains strong working relationships with the Sarasota Police Department; the Sarasota County Fire Department; and other state and regional law enforcement/emergency services providers.

Ringling College of Art and Design occasionally contracts with the Sarasota Police Department to provide commissioned armed law enforcement officers to patrol the campus or to staff special events. Additionally, the College on occasion will contract with an outside security vendor to provide supplemental security coverage.

Public Safety Communications Officers are available 24 hours per day at 941-359-7500 to answer your call. If you are unsure what you have witnessed or experienced is a crime, please contact the Office of Public Safety and we will assist you with your situation. In response to a call, Communications Officers will take the required action, either dispatching an officer to your location, asking you to come to our office, or assisting you in contacting another agency such as the Sarasota Police Department. Response time may be affected by various factors, such as the number and location of available personnel and/or their involvement at the time a report is received. Response to an incident may also involve other personnel, such as Office of Residential Life staff in an incident of a drug violation in a residential hall, members from the Counseling Center in the case of a sexual assault, and/or an outside police agency or other agencies if an incident requires specialized abilities beyond the capabilities of Public Safety. To contact Sarasota Police Department, who have law enforcement jurisdiction covering the Ringling campus, please dial 9-1-1.

Criminal and policy violation reports involving students are reviewed by the Office of Student Life for potential conduct action. If assistance is required from the Sarasota Police Department or the Sarasota County Fire Department, a Public Safety Officer will contact the appropriate unit.

Communications Center Kimbrough Building

The Office of Public Safety Communications Center is staffed 24 hours a day and is responsible for answering calls for assistance from the campus community and public; answering calls from the blue light assistance towers and red emergency phones; assists walk-ins as needed; monitors security technology; and dispatches security officers to respond for calls for service.

The Communications Center also coordinates contact with local emergency service providers.

Security Awareness And Crime Prevention

The Ringling College of Art and Design Office of Public Safety encourages everyone to be aware of their environment, stay alert, report suspicious activities, take precautions, and report all crimes/incidents. By being proactive, you can play an important role in not only protecting yourself, but also helping others to be safe. With your help, the Office of Public Safety can provide a safe educational environment in which the College community members can excel.

The programs outlined below if practiced could possibly reduce the odds of you falling victim to a crime. Take a moment to review the programs so you will be better prepared to stay safe.

During orientation in August and throughout the year, students are informed about a variety of services offered by the Office of Public Safety. Crime prevention programs are offered on a continual basis. Additional safety tips are available by visiting the Public Safety webpage at

Periodically during the academic year, the Office of Public Safety, in cooperation with other College organizations and offices, will present crime prevention awareness sessions on topics such as active assailant, frauds and scams targeted at college students, residential hall security, sexual assault, stalking, theft prevention, etc.

Safety Transport Service

The Office of Public Safety is available to provide safety transports to all Ringling College of Art and Design students, faculty and staff during the hours of darkness upon request.

The Security Transport Service is provided for the purpose of safety and security to all locations within the Office of Public Safety patrol area. The primary goal of the security transport service is to allow safe travel from one location to another with a greater sense of security.

Call 941-309-4121 to arrange for transport or request additional information. In the event of an emergency, call 941-359-7500.

Identification Cards

All individuals need to display their ID Card while on-campus. It is the responsibility of the ID card holder to report any ID card that fails to operate correctly, is lost and/or stolen, immediately to the Residential Life Office or the Office of Public Safety.

Video Security (CCTV System)

The Office of Public Safety strategically deploys a state-of-the- art video security system to record interior and exterior public space areas of the campus. The system provides a deterrent to criminal activity and provides valuable information for investigative purposes. The system is recorded 24 hours a day seven days a week.

Reporting Crimes And Emergencies Promptly

To help provide a safe and secure environment, all members of the Ringling College community, including campus visitors, are expected, requested, and encouraged to accurately and promptly report all crimes, emergencies, and public safety related incidents to the Office of Public Safety or the appropriate police agency.

Reporting is strongly encouraged, even if the victim of a crime elects to, or is unable to (due to physical and mental incapacitation), make such a report. Reporting may be accomplished by contacting Public Safety directly at 941-359-7500 or in person at the Kimbrough Building (Communications Center). If there is an actual emergency requiring police, fire or medical response, please call 9-1-1 from a campus phone. In addition, blue light assistance towers and red emergency phones are located on campus. These phones automatically ring to the Public Safety Communications Center. By promptly reporting all criminal offenses described in the law, it will ensure inclusion in the annual crime statistics and will aid in providing timely warning notices to the community, when appropriate.

Crimes can be reported to the following department on campus:

Office of Public Safety

Kimbrough Building, First Floor 2700 North Tamiami Trail

If you are a victim of sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, you are encouraged to report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator:

Lauren Frasser, M.S. M.Ed., Title IX Coordinator

Office of Student Life
Office Location: Ulla Searing, Second Floor

Jekeyma Robinson, Deputy IX Coordinator (Students)

Associate Dean of Students for Student Development
Office Location: Ulla Searing Student Center, Second Floor

Darren Mathews, Deputy IX Coordinator (Faculty and Staff)

Director Human Resources
Office Location: Kimbrough Building, First Floor

If you are not comfortable reporting a crime to Public Safety, you are encouraged to make a report to the following campus security authorities:

Office of Student Life and Housing/Residence Life Staff

Dr. Tammy S. Walsh – Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students
Office Location – Ulla Searing Student Center, Second Floor
(941) 359-7510

Jekeyma Robinson – Associate Dean of Students for Student Development
Office Location:  Ulla Searing Student Center, Second Floor
(941) 309-4375

Dr. Ken Posner – Associate Dean for Housing and Residence Life
Office Location- 1st Floor of Goldstein Residence Hall
(941) 359-7616

Erin Smith – Director of Housing Operations
Office Location:  Ann and Alfred Goldstein Hall, First Floor
(941) 309-1963 

Trevor Dority – Director of Residence Life
Office Location:  Ann and Alfred Goldstein Hall, First Floor
(941) 359-7688

Katey Genrich  – Assistant Director for Housing Operations
Office Location:    Ann and Alfred Goldstein Hall, First Floor
(941) 309-0111

Julia Vellucci – Assistant Director of Residence Education
Office Location:  Ann and Alfred Goldstein Hall, First Floor
(941) 309-4018   

E. Ramey – Director of Recreation and Wellness
Office Location:  Ulla Searing Student Center, Second Floor
(941) 359-6123

Kaitlyn Priestley - Assistant Director of Student Volunteerism & Service-Learning, & Lazarus Assistantship Program Manager
Office Location:  Ulla Searing Student Center, Second Floor
(941) 893-2861

Important Resources

Department Phone Number
Office of Public Safety (emergency) 941-359-7500
Office of Public Safety (non-emergency) 941-309-4121
Security Transport 941-309-4121
Residence Life 941-309-4411
Student Life  941-359-7505
Title IX Coordinator 941-309-4035
Student Health Center 941-893-2855
Peterson Counseling Center 941-893-2855
Human Resources 941-359-7619
EAP Program 1-855-365-4754
Facilities Operations 941-359-7635
Institutional Technology 941-359-7633

Emergency Blue Light Towers

Blue light assistance towers are located on-campus in parking lots and along walkways. The blue light assistance towers include phones which provide a 24-hour direct phone link to the Public Safety Center. Each tower has two activation buttons: one for "information" and one for “emergency." When the blue light assistance tower is activated by using the "emergency" button, the constantly burning blue light at the top of the tower flashes. A security camera is focused on each blue light assistance tower, enabling the Communications Officer on duty to see the caller while talking to the individual on the phone.

These blue lights assistance towers are not restricted to emergency situations and may be used for non-emergency purposes.

How to Activate the Blue Light Assistance Towers

Step 1: Push either the Emergency or Information Button.
Step 2: A call is immediately placed to the Office of Public Safety.
Step 3: Speak clearly.
Step 4: State your emergency or question to the Communications Officer.
Step 5: Follow the Communications Officer’s instructions.

Emergency Red Phones

Most classrooms and other areas have red emergency phones that also dial directly to the Public Safety Communications Center. Both of these devices can also be used to access Security Transport.

When speaking to the Public Safety Communications Officer, speak in a calm and clear manner while providing as much detail as possible related to the emergency or your non-emergency request. The Public Safety Communications Officer will send Public Safety personnel and/or other emergency responders to your location based on the information you provide.

If you are in immediate danger, or are being followed, activate the nearest blue light assistance tower and if necessary keep moving activating additional blue light assistance towers as you proceed to a safe location to call 941-359-7500. A security camera is trained on each of the blue light assistance towers so that the Public Safety Communications Officer on duty will have a visual as well as verbal contact with the user.

The Office of Public Safety tests the blue light assistance towers on a regular basis to assure operational compliance. Anyone experiencing a problem regarding the condition and/or use of the blue light assistance towers should contact the Public Safety Communications Center immediately by calling (941) 309-4121.

Access To Timely Information
"Timely Warnings"

In an effort to provide timely notice to the Ringling community, and in event of a crime which may pose a serious or on-going threat to our community, the Office of Public Safety will issue "timely warning" crime bulletins to notify members of the community about serious crimes that occur on College designated property (on campus, non -campus, and public property). The Timely Warning requirement applies to Clery Act crimes and all require a case-by-case assessment as to whether the report presents a serious or continuing threat to the campus community. Timely Warnings are typically issued for the following Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR)/National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) crime classifications: murder/non-negligent manslaughter, major incidents of arson, robbery, and sex offenses. Cases of aggravated assault and sex offenses are considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on the facts of the case and the information known by the Office of Public Safety. For example, if an assault occurs between two students who have a disagreement, there may be no on-going threat to other College community members and a Timely Warning Notice would not be distributed. In cases involving sexual assault, they may be reported days, weeks, months or even years after the incident occurred, thus there is no ability to distribute a “timely” warning notice to the community. Sex offenses will be considered on a case-by-case basis depending on when and where the incident occurred, when it was reported, and the amount of information known by the Office of Public Safety. Cases involving property crimes will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and alerts will typically be sent if there is a discernible pattern of crime.

The Public Safety Director or Assistant Public Safety Director reviews all reports to determine if there is an on-going threat to the community and if the distribution of a timely warning is warranted. Timely Warning Notices may also be posted for other crime classifications and locations, as deemed necessary. Public Safety works to collect this information by requesting all campus security authorities (CSA’s) and local law enforcement agencies to report crimes in a timely fashion so a Timely warning can be issued if necessary.

The Public Safety Director or Assistant Public Safety Director will typically draft the Timely Warning. They will review and revise the text as needed then transmit the email containing the Warning to the College community as a blast email. Members of the Communications Office may assist with the Timely Warning if needed. Updates to the college community about any particular case resulting in a Timely Warning may also be distributed electronically via blast email or posted on the College website. Public Safety may also use additional methods to distribute the Timely Warning, including using the Campus Emergency Alert System, postings in residential halls, and sending messages to department phones.

It should be noted that an institution is not required to provide a timely warning with respect to crimes reported to a pastoral or professional counselor. Additionally, all Timely Warnings will be provided to students and employees in a manner that is timely, that withholds the names of victims as confidential, and that will aid in the prevention of similar occurrences.

Warnings will include the crime or incident, location, description of the perpetrators, time and date of occurrence, and any other information deemed necessary.

Anyone with information warranting a Timely Warning should report the incident to the Office of Public Safety by phone at 941-359-7500, or in person at the Public Safety Office in the Kimbrough Building.

Emergency Notification (Immediate)

The College’s comprehensive campus emergency preparedness and response plan includes information about the management of emergency response and operations, emergency operations center (EOC), and communication responsibilities, including the use of electronic and cellular communication. College offices are responsible for developing contingency plans and continuity of operations plans for their staff and areas of responsibility. The College conducts announced and/or unannounced emergency response drills and exercises each year, such as tabletop exercises, functional exercises, and tests of the emergency notification systems on campus. These tests are designed to assess and evaluate the emergency plans and capabilities of the institution.

Several members of the Office of Public Safety have received training in Incident Command Systems (ICS) and response to critical incidents on a college campus. When a serious incident occurs or emergency exists that causes an immediate threat to the health or safety of students and employees on campus, the first responders to the scene are usually the Office of Public Safety, Sarasota Police Department and/or the Sarasota County Fire Department, when their assistance is necessary. These agencies typically respond and work together to manage the incident. Depending on the nature of the incident, other College offices and local or federal agencies could also be involved in responding to the incident.

The institution has general evacuation guidelines, in the event that a segment of the campus needs to be evacuated. The plan would be affected by a myriad of factors, including the type of threat, the occupancy of the other buildings and areas of the campus at the time of the incident, etc. Therefore, specific information about a multi-building or area evacuation cannot be shared with the campus community in advance. Ringling expects members of the community to follow the instructions of first responders on the scene, as this type of evacuation would be coordinated on-site.

In some emergencies, you may be instructed to “shelter-in-place”. If an incident occurs and the buildings or areas around you become unstable, or if the air outdoors becomes dangerous due to toxic or irritating substances, it is usually safer to stay indoors. To “shelter- in- place” means to make a shelter of the building that you are in until it is safe to go outside. This means that if an incident occurs and the building you are in is not damaged; stay inside in an interior room until you are told it is safe to come out. If your building is damaged, take your personal belongings (purse, wallet, access cards, etc.) and follow the evacuation procedures for your building (close your door, proceed to the nearest exit, and use the stairs instead of the elevators). Once you have evacuated, seek shelter at the nearest College building quickly. If police or fire department personnel are on the scene, follow their directions.

College community members are encouraged to notify the Office of Public Safety of any situation or incident on campus that involves a significant emergency or dangerous situation that may involve an immediate threat to the health and safety of students and/or employees on campus. The Office of Public Safety has the responsibility of responding to, and summoning the necessary resources, to mitigate, investigate, and document any situation that may cause a significant emergency or dangerous situation. In addition, Public Safety has a responsibility to respond to such incidents to determine if the situation does in fact, pose a threat to the community, however other offices such as Facilities, student health, etc., may be involved in the confirmation process, depending on the nature of the potential threat. If an immediate threat exists, an institution must follow its emergency notification procedures but is not required to issue a timely warning based on the same circumstances; however, the institution is required to provide adequate follow-up information to the community as needed. If Public Safety, in conjunction with other campus officials (Facilities, Student Health Center, Student Life, etc.) or local first responders (Sarasota Police Department, Sarasota County Fire Department, etc.) confirm there is an emergency or dangerous situation that poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of some or all members of our community, Public Safety and/or designees, will collaborate, if needed, to determine the content of the message and they will initiate some or all of the systems listed below to communicate the threat to the College community or to the appropriate segment of the community, if the threat is limited to a particular building or segment of the population:

  • Text messaging
  • Phone messaging
  • Telephone tree communications
  • Campus wide email messages
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Paper fliers and bulletin board posting
  • Person-to-person communication, using personnel from Student Life and Public Safety
  • Website postings
  • Two-way radio systems

Shelter in Place

Depending on the circumstances, when the College issues a campus alert calling for a shelter in place, you should:

  • Move into or stay inside the nearest building.
  • Go into an interior room or office with few windows, if possible.
  • Turn off all lights.
  • If possible, close and cover all windows and lock doors and turn off ventilation systems (including air conditioning and heat, bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans).
  • If the door has a window, cover it.
  • Then, stay away from windows and doors.
  • Put cell phones and other electronic devices in silent mode.
  • Remain in place until notified by proper College administration officials, Public Safety Officer, or any responding police or fire department personnel.


There may be situations when there is a dangerous condition inside a specific building and you need to evacuate quickly to ensure your safety. If notified to evacuate, please do so in an orderly fashion, move to a safe area away from the evacuated building, and alert others in your area if possible. In situations when you are ordered to leave an area, be sure to take necessary items such as medications, keys, glasses and wallets. You may not be able to return to your residence hall, office or classroom for some time. It is best to be prepared, just in case. Call 941-309-4121 to arrange for transport or request additional information. In the event of an emergency, call 941-359-7500.

Safety Tips On and Off Campus

Your personal safety and the security of your property while on campus are shared responsibilities. Ringling College of Art and Design has made safety and security a priority through our commitment to a full-time, professional security
department, security escorts, lighting, CCTV, emergency telephones, and ongoing educational safety awareness programs. The vast majority of crimes occurring on college campuses are crimes of opportunity that can be prevented.
You can help by taking away the opportunity. We have prepared these safety tips to help reduce the opportunity for you to become a victim of crime.

Always Remember...

 Prepare yourself physically and mentally for any emergency.

  • If you have been personally threatened or if you have heard anyone at school mention the idea of committing acts of violence, take it seriously. Inform Public Safety or other campus officials.
  • Avoid working or studying alone in a campus building.
  • Never leave your laptop computer, textbook, phone, book bag, purse, or other valuables unattended or out of your sight in dining areas, the library, common study areas, or outdoor spaces.
  • Avoid isolated corridors, hallways, stairwells, and restrooms.
  • Report anyone who behaves suspiciously to Public Safety. Take note of the suspicious person’s appearance and relay it to the dispatcher. 

Keep emergency numbers in your phone, whether you live on or off campus. If on campus, call 941-359-7500.

Residence Hall Security

You can take steps to help protect yourself and your personal property:

  • Keep your doors locked at all times especially when exiting.
  • Lock all windows.
  • Never prop open exterior doors. If you see a door propped, close it.
  • Don’t allow people you do not know to “tailgate” behind you into the building!
  • Every person who is authorized to be in your building should have either card access or a key. Politely tell them that you cannot allow them in and they should go to the Office of Residence Life to gain access. If someone follows you in any way, call Public Safety immediately when you get to a safe place.
  • If you see a suspicious person(s) or someone you don’t believe should be in or around the building, call Public Safety immediately!
  • Never loan your access card or keys to anyone. If you misplace your identification/access card or key, report the loss to Public Safety and Residence Life immediately.
  • Record the serial numbers of valuable personal property. Public Safety offers a handy inventory card to help you record this vital information. Give the card to your family and ask them to store the information in a safe location. Public Safety also has an available electric engraver which you may use to engrave
    your license number or other identifying marks on your valuables.

Additional Security Measures for Near Campus or Off Campus Residents


  • Be alert to your surroundings. If you suspect you are being followed, run in a different direction, go to the other side of the street and yell for help, or head quickly to a well-lit area, a group of people, or an Emergency Telephone.
  • Become acquainted with neighbors. Know who belongs in your building.
  • Don’t put names on your voicemail recorded greeting.
  • When you are away from your residence, leave your interior lights on. Use a timer if you will be gone for more than one day.
  • Don’t hide a spare key outside your door.
  • If you see suspicious activity, notify the police immediately by calling 9-1-1.
  • If you arrive home to find your door ajar, hear unusual sounds, or believe your residence has been broken into, DO NOT GO IN! Get to a safe place and call the police.

Active Assailant: What to do when it happens
Every active assailant with a weapon incident is different. You will have to quickly evaluate the situation and choose the best course of action. If you become aware of an active assailant, you have three options:

If you become aware of someone in your building who has a weapon and is shooting or threatening to harm others:

  • Get out of the building immediately if you can do so without putting yourself in harm’s way. Leave your belongings behind.
  • Notify anyone along the way to get out.
  • Take shelter in another building or leave campus if you are able to safely do so.
  • Keep your hands up and out of your purse or pockets if encountered by police.
  • Call Public Safety at 941-359-7500 or dial 9-1-1 when safe to do so.

If you are unable to leave the building:

  • Lock yourself inside of a room and move furniture in front of the door.
  • Cover the windows and turn off any lights.
  • Silence your mobile device(s).
  • Do not answer the door for anyone.
  • Ignore any fire alarms as it may be a trick to draw people into the open.
  • Call Public Safety at 941-359-7500 or dial 9-1-1 when safe to do so.

As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, try to disrupt or take down the shooter, preferably with one or more persons to “swarm” the assailant.

  • Act as aggressively as possible while trying to disarm the assailant.
  • Throw items at the shooter.
  • Yell.
  • Look for items that could be used as a weapon.
  • Stay committed to your actions!

Safety While Walking or Jogging


  • Use the Public Safety Security Escorts after dark by calling 941-309-4121.
  • Avoid walking or jogging alone, especially after dark.
  • Always walk or jog in a familiar area.
  • Tell someone where you are going and when you can be expected to return.
  • Always choose a well-lit path, and avoid dark or vacant areas.
  • Take note of the locations of Emergency Telephones along your route.
  • Carry a cell phone at all times. If you exercise outdoors on a regular basis, vary your route and schedule.
  • Have your access card or keys ready when returning to your residence hall.
  • Try not to overload with packages or other items. Keep your hands as free as possible.
  • Do not wear music headphones while walking or jogging.
  • If you carry a purse, carry it close to your body, preferably in front.
  • If a thief confronts you, give the thief what they want. Don’t try to pursue the thief. Try to get a detailed description and call Public Safety or 9-1-1 immediately

Bicycle Guidelines and Security
Most bicycles are stolen because they are not locked correctly or not locked at all. Proper use of a strong, reliable lock will make a difference!

  • All bicycles owned by students, faculty, and staff and used on campus must be registered with the Office of Public Safety. Registration forms can be completed at the Public Safety Office in Kimbrough Hall and the registration decal is valid for four (4) years. There is no charge for a bicycle permit sticker.
  • All bicycles on campus must be parked or stored in a bicycle rack or in an area otherwise authorized.
  • Always lock your bike to the bicycle racks on campus. Park it in a visible and well-lit area.
  • If a “U Lock” is used, position the bicycle frame and wheels so that as much open space as possible within the U portion of the lock is filled or taken up.
  • Don’t lock your bike to trees, handrails, lampposts, posts, or fences.
  • Don’t lock your bike to itself.

Bicycle Safety Tips

  • Protect your head. Wear a helmet.
  • Stay visible. Use lights when biking at night or in low light conditions.
  • Look, signal, and look again. Use hand signals to let drivers know where you are going. Don’t assume drivers will stop.
  • Go with the flow. Bike in the direction of traffic.
  • Obey all traffic laws and lights.
  • Test your bike. Check your brakes and your wheels. Make sure that “quick release” wheels are properly secured.
  • Stay alert. Keep a lookout for obstacles in your path.

Ride Sharing Services Safety Tips
Ride sharing services have become more popular and frequently provide a good alternative transportation method. As more and more members of our community use these services, we would like to offer the following safety tips:

  • Request Your Ride Inside
    Avoid spending unnecessary time outside alone. Wait indoors until your ride has arrived.
  • Get in the Right Vehicle
    Ensure the following descriptions match the ride share app:
    - License plate
    - Make/model of vehicle
    - Car color
    - Driver photo and name
  • Ask the driver: “What’s My Name?”
    If the driver cannot answer that question or the vehicle information does not match, do not get into the vehicle.
  • Be a Backseat Rider
    If you are riding alone, sit in the back seat. This gives you the opportunity to safely exit the vehicle on either side if necessary.

Remember: Ringling College Public Safety offers on campus security transports after dark. Call 941-309-4121 to request a security transport.

Bike Registration

All bicycles owned by students, faculty, and staff and used on campus must be registered with the Office of Public Safety. Registration forms can be completed at the Public Safety Office in Kimbrough Hall at any time. The registration decal is valid for four (4) years. There is no charge for bicycle registration or the permit sticker. The reflective registration decal must be affixed to the vertical part of the frame facing forward.

Parking and Storage

  • All bicycles on campus must be parked or stored in a bicycle rack or in an area otherwise authorized.
  • Bicycles may not be secured to fire hydrants, trees, parking signs, fences, posts, benches, stairwells and railings, ramps (handicap and/or other), or in the egress path of any building. Bicycles may be stored in student rooms or in office spaces as long as they are in a safe place not blocking egress, doorways, hallways, walkways, or exits. Bicycles may not be stored in common areas such as hallways, lobbies, stairwells, restrooms, etc.
  • Summer storage for student bicycles is not available. Bicycles may not be left on racks over the summer break. Bicycles left on racks over the summer break will be removed and, if not claimed by the owner within 30 days, become the property of Ringling College of Art and Design to be used, donated, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of at the discretion of the College.
  • Bicycle racks will be available for students who are assigned housing over the summer or have summer jobs on campus and for faculty and staff working the summer months.

Violation of Policy:

 Any bicycle in violation of the College’s bicycle policy (unregistered, showing an expired registration decal, or improperly parked or stored) will be removed. If removal requires the cutting of a chain, cable, or lock, the College will not be responsible for replacing that chain, cable, or lock. To be reclaimed, a storage fee of $1 per day will be charged (maximum fee not to exceed $20). Any bicycle not claimed within 30 days from the date of removal will become the property of Ringling College of Art and Design and may be used, donated, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of at the discretion of the College.



A. Motor Vehicle - Every vehicle which is self-propelled and has two or more wheels.

B. Student - Any person registered at Ringling College for one or more credit hours.

C. Faculty and Staff - Full-time or part-time faculty, administrative officials and employees of the College.

D. College Property - All property owned by Ringling College.


Each student, faculty or staff member of Ringling College who brings a vehicle onto campus must register it with the Office of Public Safety. All persons registering or driving motor vehicles on Ringling College property are responsible for knowing the rules and regulations governing traffic and parking. Definitions A. Motor Vehicle - Every vehicle which is self-propelled and has two or more wheels. B. Student - Any person registered at Ringling College for one or more credit hours. C. Faculty and Staff - Full-time or part-time faculty, administrative officials and employees of the College. D. University Property - All property owned by Ringling College. Motor Vehicle Registration

Motor Vehicle Registration

A. All vehicles will be registered each academic year. No fee will be charged for parking permits. Students, faculty and staff will be issued decals to be affixed to the exterior of the rear windshield (rear glass) on the driver's side. First year resident students are not eligible to obtain a parking permit without prior permission from the Dean of Students. Citations will be issued to vehicles not properly displaying parking permits. Faculty and staff may be issued two additional permits for a non-primary use vehicle. A Parking Map can be found on the Office of Public Safety Website.

B. Faculty and Staff designated parking areas are limited to vehicles displaying a current Faculty/Staff permit between the hours of 7am and 5pm, Monday-Friday.

Between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m., Monday - Friday, all day Saturday/ Sunday, and designated College holidays, a Student Permit is valid in Faculty/Staff designated parking areas. Visitor parking is also allowed in these areas during this time period. Spaces restricted for Visitor Parking are not to be used by any vehicle displaying a Faculty/Staff or Student permit and are subject to being ticketed at all times. Students are not permitted to use faculty/staff permits.

C. Permits will be valid for one academic year and will expire each year on August 1.

D. A vehicle registration form must be completed prior to issuance of any parking permit and the following information must be provided. Information on parking permits applications can be found on the Office of Public Safety website or at the Public Safety Office (Kimbrough 1st floor). Additional information regarding parking permits can be found on the Office of Public Safety website.

E. All motor vehicles brought to the campus by faculty, staff and students must be registered with the Office of Public Safety. Visitors and guests are not required to register vehicles.  However, guests of students need to obtain a temporary parking permit from the Office of Public Safety if parking on campus overnight.

F. Faculty, staff and students who must use a vehicle other than one registered on campus will be issued temporary permits. Lost or stolen permits must be reported to the Office of Public Safety. Lost or stolen permits will be replaced and a potential fee of $10 per replacement permit will be charged. Decals will be replaced free of charge when a vehicle is traded, sold or wrecked.

G. The Office of Public Safety does not accept money for replacement decals or parking fines. Payment of fines or replacement decals will be made at the Business Office. Failure to pay for replacement decals or parking fines on a timely basis will result in transactions (grades, diplomas, transcripts, etc.) being withheld, admission being denied and/or loss of parking privileges. Additional information regarding payments can be found on the Office of Public Safety website.


A. Only those vehicles properly registered with the Office of Public Safety are authorized to park on property owned by Ringling College of Art and Design. The institution reserves the right to remove any vehicle on its property which is not properly registered. The institution also reserves the right to tow to a safe place, at the owner's expense, any vehicle parked in such a manner as to be considered to be a hazard, blocking a fire lane, or otherwise impeding vehicular or pedestrian traffic. The institution assumes no responsibility for damages incurred while moving said vehicles.

B. The institution reserves the right to deny any person, for cause, the privilege of operating and/or parking a motor vehicle on college property. Denials will be made by the Director of Students at request of Director of Public Safety.

C. The institution assumes no responsibility for losses from fire, theft, vandalism, or any other cause when cars are parked on college property.

D. City and state driving and parking rules and regulations, and all directive signs governing the use of motor vehicles, must be observed at all times.

E. Motor vehicles are to be kept in safe driving condition while on college property. In the event of mechanical failure of a vehicle, the Office of Public Safety should be notified. The owner of any disabled vehicle is responsible for its immediate removal.

F. Persons lending vehicles to others are responsible for tickets issued.

G. The transfer of student parking permits from one vehicle to another is not allowed.

H. Upon accumulation of five (5) unpaid parking tickets, parking privileges may be revoked and the offending vehicle is subject to being towed from campus at the owner's expense.

Definition of Offenses


Citations will be issued to unauthorized persons parked in spaces reserved for faculty and staff.  


 Citations will be issued to students, faculty and staff parked in spaces reserved for visitors.


Citations will be issued to anyone parked any reserved space on campus. Citations will be issued to anyone who removes parking cones used to reserve spaces for visitors and/or special events.


Citations will be issued to anyone parked on campus with an expired RCAD parking permit. 


Citations will be issued to anyone parked in areas of parking lots not clearly marked as parking spaces. Parking on grass is not allowed except in those grass lots designated for parking and violators will be cited.  Vehicles parked on sidewalks are subject to being towed at the owner's expense.


Citations will be issued to vehicles parked on campus that do not display a current year RCAD parking permit unless otherwise authorized.


Citations will be issued to any vehicle parked in a clearly marked Handicap Parking space on campus that does not display a valid Handicap Permit.

**The Office of Public Safety will document any vehicle seen driven in an erratic or reckless manor on any campus property.  Students driving recklessly will be referred to the Dean of Students Office and staff/faculty will be referred to the appropriate department head*. 

Hazardous Waste Disposal

To avoid environmental damage, as well as to comply with Federal laws, all hazardous waste is collected on campus before final disposal through a licensed contractor. Many studios including painting, photographic and printing studios have receptacles for hazardous waste (gamsol, paint waste and aerosol cans). Also, light bulbs, ballasts and batteries are recycled through the Facilities department. Please respect the environment; any violations will be dealt with in a severe manner. Questions relating to safety, health or environmental issues should be sent to

Annual Security And Fire Safety Report

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure Act, the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008, and the Violence Against Women's Act of 2013, require U.S. colleges and universities to provide information to their campus communities about how to obtain a copy of their latest annual security and fire safety reports.

In accordance with these federal requirements, the The Ringling College of Art and Design 2022 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is now available to download online at:

A paper copy may be obtained by visiting the Office of Public Safety on the first level of the Kimbrough Building at 1179 Dr. Martin Luther King Parkway, during normal business hours. Ringling College's latest report includes statistics for the previous three calendar years (2020, 2019, 2018) concerning reported crimes that occurred in the following locations:

  • On campus
  • In certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by Ringling College
  • Public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus

The report also includes fire safety policies and statistics, emergency notification procedures, and protocols for missing persons.

Any questions can be directed to the Office of Public at 941-359-7500