Redress of Grievance/Student Reports

Ringling College of Art and Design has established procedures for addressing and resolving student Reports in a fair and professional manner. All policies and procedures for handling student Reports are detailed in this Student Handbook, and are available to all students through the College website. All new students are oriented to the Student Handbook and College policies during Ringling College’s New Student Orientation.

Students sign an acknowledgment during Orientation that they are responsible for reading and knowing the contents of the Student Handbook. An announcement is also sent out via student email and portal to remind students of the importance of knowing the contents of the Student Handbook and how it can be accessed. Ringling College takes student grievances/ Reports very seriously. Please see the Policy below.

Student Grievance Policy

(See also Reporting of Incidents and Concerns)

The primary objective of a student grievance process is to ensure concerns are promptly dealt with and resolutions reached in a fair manner. It is essential each student be given adequate opportunity to bring Reports and problems to the attention of Ringling College. The student grievance process may only be used to make a Report about a College action or decision when there is no other process to address that particular issue (e.g. Code of Conduct, Grade Appeal, Sexual Misconduct, Discrimination, etc.).

Students are encouraged to resolve concerns by first talking directly with the College representative involved. If a student has not been able to resolve his or her Report by speaking directly with the individual, he or she should discuss it with the College official responsible for that area of the College. The student should attempt to resolve the issue within 30 days of the occurrence. If the student is still not satisfied, he or she may file a written Report, using the Student Grievance Form, with the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students as soon as possible, but no later than 6 months from the date of the incident. The Vice President of Student Life and Dean of Students will review the Report and determine the appropriate Office or Department to respond to the Report. If the Report is about the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students, the student should direct the Report to the President.

If the Report involves allegations of harassment, sexual misconduct, or any form of unlawful discrimination, the Report should be made using the procedures specific to those policies. The Title IX Coordinator will assist the student in processing the Report.