Policy For Posting / Publicity Of Programs On The Ringling College Of Art and Design Campus

All publicity, including fliers, posters and other printed announcements, must include the name of the sponsoring department(s) or organization(s). If a printed piece does not name a sponsor, the College reserves the right to remove such publicity. If materials about events held on Ringling College’s campus are being distributed off campus as well, all collateral, including posters, fliers, etc., must be reviewed by the Senior Copywriter and Editorial Manager, regardless of who sponsors them. All publicity materials, including press releases and media statements, need to be reviewed and approved by the Communications Office. This policy is to assure that all external materials are in keeping with the College’s standards of professionalism. All publicity must be posted on approved bulletin boards and glass showcases in approved posting areas. A complete list of these areas is provided below. Posting in other areas that are not listed below must first be approved by the Office of Student Life and will be permitted only in exceptional circumstances. Fliers and posters may not be placed on boards reserved for academic departments or other specific uses, walls in any administration buildings or Cunniffe Commons, on trees, plants, or on glass doors / windows where they would obstruct vision. Student organizations wishing to hang banners on campus must first obtain permission from the Office of Student Life. All fliers must display a dated stamp of approval from the Office of Student Life or they will be removed. Fliers for posting in glass showcases and in residence halls will be hung by the Office of Student Life student staff members; fliers posted on bulletin boards and / or other unrestricted spaces may be hung by department or student organization members. Material may not be of an offensive nature (e.g. language, sexist or racial, obscene). Material must state the exact date and time of the event (.i.e. “today” or “tomorrow” is not sufficient). Suitable materials must be used for adhering fliers and posters so as not to remove paint or cause any other damage. Small pins or tacks should be used rather than staples or nails. If inappropriate materials are utilized for hanging, the posting will be removed.

Areas available for posting: bulletin boards and glass showcases maintained by the Office of Student Life and the Center for Career Services: Ulla Searing Student Center, Outside Lecture Hall, Roskamp Center, Cunniffe Commons, Academic Center, Christ-Janer Complex, Second floor of Kimbrough and Bayou Village Apartments. Bulletin boards maintained by Resident Assistants: Ulla Searing Student Center Residences, Bridge Apartments, Appleton, 116 Harmon, and Keating Halls, Family Housing, the Quads, Ann and Alfred Goldstein Hall, Bradenton Road Apartments and the area adjacent to the laundry room at The Cove. Other than approved College sponsored events, “chalking” on campus is not allowed. Even for approved events, “chalking” on the colored pavement / deck / plaza area of the Ulla Searing Student Center is not allowed.

Fences, gates and exteriors of buildings are not acceptable posting areas for signs or banners unless appropriate approval is acquired from the Office of Student Life.