Americans With Disabilities Act Student Policy

Ringling College of Art and Design will provide reasonable accommodations for those individuals with a disability, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Amended of 2009. Such accommodations will strive to ensure that the necessary service and facilities are provided so no individual is unfairly excluded or segregated. Prior to admissions acceptance, Ringling College will furnish general accommodation information upon request. After admissions acceptance, individual accommodation needs must be discussed with the Director of Student Access Services.

Appropriate documentation of the disability will be required as needed. Students who expect to need some disability-related support should submit the most current print information they have to Student Access Services. Documentation submitted will be reviewed and discussed with the student to determine appropriate accommodations. Should more information be needed, the student will be informed and the staff will work with the student to get further documentation in a timely way. Documenting Your Disability: Any student who may need services should make an appointment to discuss those needs with the Director if Student Access Services.

Printed information such as IEP’s, 504 plans, psycho- educational and other evaluations are extremely helpful, particularly if the information is up to date. Specific guidelines for good documentation support are available on the Access Services website.

Receiving Accommodations for your Disability

Ringling College of Art and Design values all students and is proud of the diverse community they create. As part of their commitment both to diversity and equity, the college strives to achieve a welcoming, robustly supportive atmosphere in and out of the classroom and recognizes the legal right of every student to equal access to all educational, recreational and other activities sponsored by the college. To achieve equal access, students with disabilities may need accommodation in classes or for other college-sponsored events. To secure accommodations, students must register with Student Access

Services in the Alfred R. Goldstein Library, Room 220, and must follow the posted procedures for securing accommodations.

Ringling College instructors must receive an accommodation letter from Student Access Services or they will not provide disability-related accommodation. Furthermore, a disability accommodation is not retroactive, so students must meet with the Director of Student Access Services early in each semester if they expect to require accommodations. Accommodations are effective only for one semester, so students must renew approved accommodations each fall and spring.

Appeal Procedure

If a student's request for accommodation is denied or the student is dissatisfied with the implementation of the accommodation for any reason, the College encourages the student to report the problem to the Director of Student Access Services and work with SAS to resolve the issue. The Director of Student Access Services may contact faculty members or other people on campus who were involved in order to determine the best resolution for the student while ensuring that college programs and curricula are respected. This informal process represents the most direct and fastest means of addressing such problems. Student Access Services will already be familiar with the student's accommodation agreement and can usually make determinations quickly and fairly. In the case of classroom accommodations, such as for testing, time is critical, so complaints should be lodged as soon as possible so a prompt resolution can be achieved.

If the student remains dissatisfied with the accommodation or the grievance concerns the decisions or behavior of the Director of Student Access Services, a formal grievance may be submitted in writing to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies / ADA Coordinator (officer). That officer will review the issue, completing any necessary investigation to determine the details and rationale for any decisions or changes made to the original accommodation agreement. The officer will then provide the student and other parties concerned with a written decision in response to the grievance.

Investigation, including conversations with the student, staff or faculty involved and others in the campus community who may have information, will be completed as quickly as possible. The goal will be to reach a determination so that students and those working with them can move forward. Students or their representatives may appeal if new information is available or if they feel the process was not followed. Otherwise, Ringling College will regard the officer’s decision as final and all parties involved will be expected to implement its provisions.

At that point-or at any time during the process-if students are not satisfied, they also have the right to pursue a complaint to federal or state authorities, such as the Federal Office for Civil Rights.

Further Information and Contact or contact Clair Harris, Director of Student Access Services at 941-309-4013 or with further questions.