Institutional Policy Governing CCTV


The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the use of Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) on all college properties, along with the Sarasota Art Museum, in a way that enhances security but also respects the expectation of reasonable privacy among members of the community. This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, schools and departments within the college and Sarasota Art Museum community. 



Ringling College of Art and Design is committed to providing a safe environment for members of the college community by integrating the best practices of security with state-of-the-art technology.  A critical component of a comprehensive security plan is closed-circuit television (CCTV) — a technology that can remotely monitor and record activity on college owned or controlled property.  Therefore; it is the policy of the College to utilize CCTV to enhance personal safety of all College members and guests, help deter crime, collect information and evidence of actual or potential criminal activity, and protect property.

The use of CCTV will be conducted in a manner consistent with the values of the institution, including a reasonable expectation of privacy, and in compliance with all Federal, State, and Local laws, and existing College policies, including the Non-Discrimination Policy, Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy and Harassment Policy.

The Office of Public Safety will be responsible for the maintenance, and monitoring of all cameras installed for safety and security purposes. The Office of Public Safety will also collaborate with other departments such as facilities and IT for installation, location and technological support for the CCTV infrastructure.     


General Principles

Ringling College of Art + Design aims to provide its community with a secure environment enhanced by CCTV technology to monitor College owned and controlled property. Legitimate safety and security purposes include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. The use of CCTV monitoring is to deter crime and to protect the safety and property of the college community. Safety and security purposes include, but are not limited to:
    • Protection of individuals, including students, faculty, staff and visitors;
    • Protection of college-owned and/or operated property and buildings, including building perimeters, entrances and exits, lobbies and corridors, receiving docks, special storage areas, labs, and cashier locations;
    • Verification of alarms and access control systems;
    • Patrol of common areas and areas accessible to the public, including transit stops, parking lots, public streets and pedestrian walks; and
    • Monitoring ATM and Blue Light locations;
    • Viewing of area prone to on-going criminal activity
    • Reviewing recorded images as part of criminal activity or investigation and/or serious disciplinary activity.

           CCTV SHALL NOT be used for:

  • Profiling: The practice of targeting individuals based on characteristics of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or other classifications.
  • Targeting of individuals
  • Peering into buildings

    Any diversion of security technologies for purposes other than the safety and security purposes contemplated by this policy are prohibited.  Misuse will result in disciplinary action up to termination.

  1. CCTV monitoring will be conducted in a professional, ethical and legal manner. Personnel involved in monitoring will be appropriately trained and supervised in the responsible use of this technology. Violations of the code of procedures set forth below may result in disciplinary action consistent with the rules and regulations governing employees of the college.
  2. Monitoring will be conducted in a manner consistent with all existing college policies, including the nondiscrimination policy, the Sexual Misconduct and Title IX policy and other relevant policies. Monitoring based on the characteristics and classifications contained in the nondiscrimination policy (e.g., race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, etc.) is strictly prohibited.
  3. Monitoring shall be limited to uses that do not violate the reasonable expectation to privacy. Students have a greater expectation of privacy in their personal residential rooms/suites. 
  4. The Director of Public Safety will review all requests to release recordings.  No releases of video recordings will occur without authorization by the Director of Public Safety after consultation with the VPFA.  Excluded from this review are those recordings directly related to a criminal investigation or arrest or releases required under a validly issued subpoena or other lawfully issued court order.
  5. The Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students will review requests for CCTV recordings made in connection with internal investigations of student disciplinary matters.  The Assistant Vice President/ Director of Human Resources will review requests for CCTV recordings made in connection with internal investigations of faculty/staff disciplinary matters. The Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students and the Assistant Vice President/Director of Human Resources will consult on conduct cases involving both student(s) and faculty/staff.    The decision will be made regarding the appropriateness of releasing the recordings weighing the concerns of the disciplinary official/committee making the request against privacy interests and the safety and security of the entire community.
  6. The existence of this policy does not imply or guarantee that cameras will be constantly monitored in real time.
  7. CCTV recordings will be retained up to 30 days, unless there is a hold placed on the recording.
  8. Recorded CCTV images may be shared with Public Safety Officers or other members of the college community, when deemed appropriate by the Director of Public Safety. 
  9. The recorded or monitored images may be shared with local, state or federal law enforcement or judicial entities when required by official request, subpoena, or court order.  The Director of Public Safety or the Assistant Director of Public Safety may copy and share such images as necessary and advise the VPFA.