Skateboards, Bicycles, Tricycles, Unicycles, Roller Skates, In-Line Skates & Any Other Form Of Non-Motorized Transportation


This policy promotes greater safety on the walkways, ramps, steps and other travel ways of Ringling College of Art and Design properties, as well as adjacent public sidewalks and streets. Further, it seeks to prevent physical damage to exterior surfaces owned and maintained by Ringling College.


The use of bicycles, skateboards, in-line skates and any other non-motorized transportation shall be allowed only as a means of transportation on walkways and other vehicular travel ways of Ringling College of Art and Design and public sidewalks and streets immediately adjacent to College property. Anyone using a bicycle, skateboard, in-line skates or other non-motorized transportation on Ringling College property shall give right of way to any pedestrian and shall travel at a reasonable, safe and prudent speed. Under no circumstance will bicycling, skateboarding or in-line skating be allowed on ramps, curbs, benches, steps or stairs and other such structures.

The use of bicycles, skateboards or in-line skates shall not be permitted inside any building. Other prohibited activities when using any form of non-motorized transportation, including but not limited to skateboards, bicycles, tricycles, unicycles, roller skates and in-line skates include:

  • Reckless or hazardous use.
  • Use that is unreasonable for existing conditions.
  • Use that interferes with pedestrian or vehicular traffic.
  • Use inside any Ringling College building.
  • Use on ramps established for use by persons with disabilities.
  • Use immediately adjacent to any building doors.
  • Use on stairs, railings, landings, loading docks, benches, picnic tables and any other surfaces not intended for pedestrian or vehicular travel.
  • Any use involving acrobatics or stunts or any use that causes one or more sets of wheels to leave the ground or other surfaces intended for pedestrian or vehicular travel.

Offenders who are not affiliated with the Ringling College of Art and Design will be issued a trespass warning by Sarasota Police. Any subsequent violations may result in arrest for trespassing. Student offenders will be reported to the Vice President and Dean of Students and will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

Hoverboard Policy

The possession and use of hoverboards or any similar device on campus is prohibited.