Outdoor Installations & Performances

Outdoor art installations and performances by students are encouraged. The approval procedures are described in more detail below. An approval form with the signatures of the faculty sponsor is required to exhibit work or conduct performances in public areas of the campus. This does not apply to the studio space behind the Stanley Glen Building. This outdoor area is considered an extension of classroom space and requires only the verbal approval of the relevant studio teacher.

Procedures For Outdoor Installations & Performances

Installations and performances in public areas must observe the following guidelines:

  1. Faculty members or students may request permission to install works or conduct performance pieces in outdoor public spaces. Students must have a faculty sponsor. Proposal forms are available from the Chief Curator of Ringling College Galleries.
  2. Completed proposals are submitted to the Faculty sponsor and must include the following: dates of installation or performance, duration of installation or performance, exact date of removal and a drawing of the installation on the site, including sidewalks and adjacent buildings. Student requests must include the signature of the faculty sponsor.
  3. Included in the request should be an assurance that the installation or performance will not be a safety hazard, that the individual artist will assume responsibility for the care, maintenance and de-installation of the work and that the site will be returned to its original condition.
    Consultation with the Facilities Department is recommended if installation involves digging, site work, alterations, or attachments to structures, trees, etc.
  4. All written proposals must be submitted and approved by the Chief Curator of Ringling College Galleries prior to an installation or performance. Failure to follow these procedures may result in the removal of the installation without consent of the student or faculty sponsor.