Student Exhibitions & Installations Policies

Ringling College of Art and Design respects and supports the freedom of expression of artists and therefore does not restrict the contents of student, faculty or alumni professional work exhibited on the Ringling College of Art and Design campus.

All work represents the views of the individual artists and authors who created them, and are not those of Ringling College.

The institution acknowledges the difference between public spaces and formal exhibitions spaces, such as Basch Gallery, Willis Smith Gallery, and Crossley Gallery where individuals make a decision to enter for the purpose of viewing art.

Public spaces include the grounds, library, offices, building entrances and residence halls. Since a variety of individuals use these public spaces for purposes other than viewing art, students should be aware that some work might not be suitable for display in these public spaces. All exhibition displays and installations are subject to legal and safety considerations. If there are questions about content or safety considerations, consultation with Ringling College Galleries Chief Curator is advised.

Best of Ringling

The Annual Best of Ringling student competition takes place at the end of the spring semester. Students from the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year programs are eligible to submit work to their departments for jurying. A First Year student competition is usually held at the same time in other facilities within the Ringling College campus.

William and Marie Selby Foundation Gallery

The William and Marie Selby Foundation Gallery is located on the campus of Ringling College of Art and Design in the Arland and Sally Christ-Janer Building. It displays work related to the illustration major.

Patricia Thompson Gallery

The Patricia Thompson Gallery is located in the Keating Center and features the work of Ringling College of Art and Design alumni.

Richard & Barbara Basch Gallery

The Richard and Barbara Basch Gallery located off the lobby of the Larry R. Thompson Academic Center hosts a varied exhibition program that includes annual exhibitions from the Basch Glass Collection as well as exhibitions of work by Ringling College students, faculty, alumni and other contemporary artists.

Richard & Virginia Crossley Gallery

The Crossley Gallery represents an institutional acknowledgement of the professional nature of a B.F.A. in Fine Arts at Ringling College of Art and Design.

Fine artists are primarily involved in the business of exhibitions, installation and performance-based work. The Crossley Gallery is a state-of-the-art facility designed to facilitate professional aspirations and creative problem-solving.

The Crossley Gallery is primarily intended for use by the Department of Fine Arts, its students and its prospective spring graduates and alumni. Students from majors other than Fine Arts are encouraged to submit proposals for exhibitions to the student Crossley Gallery Directors.

Willis Smith Gallery

The Willis A. Smith Construction Inc. Gallery, located on the ground floor of the Larry R. Thompson Academic Center, hosts rotating exhibitions of contemporary art by internationally acclaimed artists, as well as annual exhibitions of work by Ringling students, faculty, staff and community arts organizations.

Lois and David Stulberg Gallery

The Lois and Savid Stulberg Gallery is located in the Richard and Barbara Basch Visual Arts Center and hosts exhibitions of contemporary art as well as faculty, alumni and student work.

Off-Campus Exhibition Spaces

The Englewood Art Center (one hour south of campus) is a Division of Ringling College. They have exhibition schedules that focus on their communities as well as the work of Ringling College alumni, faculty and students.