Media & Community Relations

Public Relations & Publicity

Ringling College documents student achievements and campus activities throughout the year for publication or public relations purposes. Students who do not wish to be photographed, video- or audio-taped, or who do not want to have their written comments reproduced in publications or publicity by the College must notify the Office of Advising, Records and Registration Services during registration.

Promotional Releases

When students are recording, copying, or capturing (in photos, drawings, videos, recordings, etc.) the likeness, voice, appearance or personal property of other people, for either classwork or on behalf of the College, the student must have all information about Ringling College of Art and Design, all external communication representing Ringling College, its people, programs and events must be coordinated through the Office of Marketing & Communications. This includes information published by Ringling College, (such as news releases written by students to promote a student event, etc.) as well as all news coverage produced about Ringling College and its programs by outside sources, regardless of medium (print/broadcast/ digital). This also includes all news produced for outside media by students using a byline. (The only exception to this is when a student is writing about his or her own endeavors with no mention of a connection to Ringling College of Art and Design.)

The Office of the President constantly strives to create opportunities to generate awareness for Ringling College and to promote the College’s various events and accomplishments. The College encourages students to submit news items to the Office of Marketing & Communications focusing on such student achievements and special class projects. The College uses this information in the form of a media calendar to plan coverage for significant events far ahead of their anticipated date as well as to pitch stories to the media on a local, regional or national level.

News is also posted to the College’s news and press pages on the website and and distributed via Facebook, Twitter (, Instagram, Snapchat, and Periscope.

To submit news and notes or to arrange for publicity of a school-sponsored program, or to suggest a possible story idea send via email to For the best opportunity for media placement, information is requested a minimum of 4 to 6 weeks in advance. For placement in magazines, 3 to 6 months in advance is necessary to accommodate publishing schedules. Images with accompanying photography credits and captions that illustrate the story are greatly encouraged.

Media Policy

The Senior Copywriter and Editorial Manager is charged with coordinating all public information provided by the College to the media and others seeking information and comment. If any member of the media contacts a student directly with first secured each subject’s signature on an appropriate promotional release form. Once signed, release forms must be filed with a designated department on-campus (depending on the nature of the assignment, e.g., academic department etc.).

For more information about the process and appropriate release forms, please contact the Office of Marketing & Communications at

Media Relations / News Releases

To present consistent and accurate institutional messaging requests for College-related information or comment as a representative of Ringling College, the student must contact the Office of Marketing & Communications, before speaking to the reporter about the topic. (This does not apply if the call is made in reference to the student’s own work with no mention of a connection to Ringling College of Art and Design. In this case, the student should make it clear to the reporter they are speaking on their own behalf and not as a representative of Ringling College.) This allows all individuals who speak to the media on the College’s behalf to be well informed and well prepared. If a student receives a general media inquiry, please refer the journalist to Chelsea Garner-Ferris and she will follow- up with them to coordinate any interviews and to ensure appropriate access to campus. Policy to Photo / Film on the Ringling College of Art and Design Campus. All requests from outside persons or organizations wishing to photograph or film on the Ringling College campus must have the approval of the Communications Office and be cleared through the Office of Public Safety. Outside parties must also provide a certificate of insurance prior to any authorized shoot. Please email for more information.