Student Notebook Check-out Agreement


This is a legal document between you as the user and Ringling College of Art and Design, the owner of this notebook computer which you are agreeing to check it out as of today. Please carefully read the terms and conditions of this User Agreement. This agreement governs the use of this notebook computer. You may not take possession of this notebook until you have read and accepted the terms of this User Agreement and signed the Release Form.

Grant Of License

Ringling College of Art and Design grants you as the user the personal, non-exclusive right to utilize this notebook computer for the duration of your study at Ringling College of Art and Design. This notebook computer should be used primarily for your educational and scholarship activities. Any use of this computer which interferes with its primary purpose (for example using up its capacity to run a personal business) is not permitted. Unauthorized and/or illegal usages of this notebook computer can lead to forfeiting access to this notebook and/or other disciplinary action. This notebook computer is a tool to help you with your studies at Ringling College.

Upon the entrustment of the notebook computer into your care, you as the user assume the responsibility and liability of the notebook computer. In addition, you as the user agree to return this notebook computer on the scheduled or arranged date of return (see TERM section).


You are fully responsible for any theft or physical damage to this notebook computer and you may be held accountable for the full repair or replacement costs. Upon return, you need to make sure that all cables and components are returned in proper working condition with this notebook computer. You are also responsible for keeping this notebook computer clean and in good condition during use and upon return to Ringling College of Art and Design. You cannot lend this notebook computer to anyone without notification and permission from Ringling College of Art and Design. Please note that if you lend this notebook computer to another person without prior permission, you are still held accountable and responsible for the replacement of this notebook computer and may be subject to the forfeiture of the notebook computer, at the sole discretion of Ringling College. Failure to report the loss of this notebook computer or failure to return this notebook computer will result in appropriate disciplinary action by Ringling College of Art and Design and a possible police investigation.

If the computer is reported as stolen, within 24 hours you must file a police report in the jurisdiction for which the computer went missing. Furthermore, you must also immediately file an investigative report with Ringling College of Art and Design Campus Safety. Failure to report the loss will result in appropriate disciplinary action by Ringling College of Art and Design and a possible police investigation.

Support And Service

You as the user must obtain prior written permission from the Ringling College of Art and Design Institutional Technology Help Desk to install any internal or external hardware components on this notebook computer. You as the user may only install software if you have a valid and current license for the software intended to be installed. You as the user may not un-install or erase any programs or files that were originally on this notebook computer. In addition, you as the user is strongly advised to consult the Institutional Technology Help Desk before changing any system settings. You as the user should contact the Institutional Technology Help Desk as soon as possible if there is any technical and/or physical problem with this notebook computer.


This Agreement will terminate upon your graduation, withdrawal or dismissal from Ringling College of Art and Design or upon any other notification from Ringling College to turn in the notebook computer. Such notification of termination shall be in the sole discretion of Ringling College. Upon such termination, you must promptly return this notebook computer and all of its parts and peripherals to the Help Desk at Institutional Technology. Upon return, it is up to you as the user to make sure that any personal files are saved for further use. The Institutional Technology Help Desk will not be responsible for any files left on the computer once returned.


All rights, title and interest to the notebook computer are the property of Ringling College of Art and Design. Your use of the notebook computer is subject to the laws of the State of Florida, the United States of America, and the policies and practices of Ringling College. Nothing in this Agreement or in the conduct of Ringling College constitutes a waiver of the rights of Ringling College of Art and Design under such laws.

Detailed Terms Of This Agreement

  1. This equipment is provided for my use with no transfer of ownership, has been fully configured with a battery, power cords, and other accessories. I will retain possession of this equipment until I am no longer enrolled at Ringling College of Art and Design.
  2. The equipment is and will, at all times, remain the property of Ringling College of Art and Design. I will have no title or other ownership interest in this equipment.
  3. I am fully responsible for maintenance of personal software applications and hardware not provided as part of the equipment checkout by Ringling College of Art and Design.
  4. Upon request, I agree to promptly deliver this equipment to the Institutional Technology Help Desk for inspection or to verify inventory/asset management information. I agree to take necessary and prudent care to keep it secure and safe.
  5. I will be responsible for the risk of loss by theft, destruction, or damage of the equipment from the date I take delivery until it is returned to Ringling College of Art and Design. Ringling College reserves the right to inspect this equipment. If during the period of this agreement, the Institutional Technology Help Desk finds anything damaged, or non-functional due to something outside of manufacturer defects, Ringling College of Art and Design may charge me the actual cost of repairs or replacement costs. These amounts will be added to my student account.
  6. If any components such as the charging block, cable, digital pen, or other accessories are missing when I return the equipment to Ringling College, I will be charged full replacement cost for each missing component.
  7. I must report theft (or suspected theft) or other loss of the computer within 24 hours to the Institutional Technology Help Desk. In case of theft or loss occurring on campus, Public Safety must also be contacted at (941) 359-7500.
  8. Upon my graduation, withdrawal or dismissal from Ringling College or any other notification to turn in the equipment and accessories, I agree to deliver them promptly to the Institutional Technology Help Desk or other such place as designated by Ringling College of Art and Design. If I do not return the equipment within stated time frames, Ringling College may, at its discretion, place a hold on my college record or bill me for full replacement cost from the manufacturer.

Managed Devices And Remote Lockout/Erasure

The notebook computers and tablets owned by Ringling College of Art and Design are considered managed devices. While Ringling College of Art and Design respects your privacy and does not actively monitor your activity, it is important to note that these devices are subject to certain circumstances that may require remote lockout or erasure.

In cases of reported loss or theft, or if the notebook computer is not returned within the allocated time frame, Ringling College of Art and Design reserves the right to initiate remote lockout or erasure procedures. These measures are implemented to safeguard the confidentiality of data and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.

It is crucial to understand that the notebook computers provided to you are on loan and are not available for purchase. Payment of any fines or penalties imposed on your account for failing to return the equipment will not unlock or in any way transfer ownership of the devices to you. The notebook computers, along with their associated parts and peripherals, remain the sole property of Ringling College of Art and Design.

Please be aware of your responsibilities in promptly returning the equipment according to the agreed-upon terms and conditions. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary sanction(s) per the Student Code of Conduct within the Student Handbook.