Private Studio Policy

These rules and guidelines are for all private studio spaces belonging to Ringling College. The aim of the policy is to ensure that a healthy and safe environment is provided to all students. This policy will be enforced following the disciplinary action at the end of this document. The Fine Arts Department Head will assign studio spaces and is responsible for ensuring that this policy is distributed and signed.

Having a private studio space at RCAD is a privilege and is intended to support and acknowledge those students who have an active studio practice need. Each student should use their own RCAD Student ID when entering the studio.

  1. Eating, drinking and smoking are prohibited in the studio. Refrigerators are not allowed.
  2. The studios are NOT equipped with ventilation systems to dilute solvent based products. Consequently, NO solvents are allowed to be used in the studios.
  3. Flammable chemicals must be stored in a flammable cabinet. These products must be used in the spray booth.
  4. Items that are used or stored inappropriately (i.e. chemicals / canvases used with prohibited items) will be removed from the studio for possible disposal or reallocation.
  5. Safety Data Sheets must be available for hazardous products that you use in the studio.
  6. All aerosol products must be used in a spray booth.
  7. Students must wear closed toe shoes in the studio.
  8. All chemicals must be clearly labeled with the name of the chemical, the manufacturers name and any hazard warnings. Even containers into which you transfer materials for storage should be clearly marked as to its contents (name of chemical, manufacturer’s name, and hazard warnings).
  9. Do not pour chemicals or other harmful products into the sinks or onto the ground. Contact your departmental technician or the EHS department for disposal.
  10. The personal protective equipment that you would use in the workshops and studios should also be used in the private studio when working with hazardous chemicals or equipment.
  11. Sleeping in the studio is prohibited. You cannot use the studio as a living space.
  12. Electrical equipment should be plugged directly into wall outlets. Avoid causing trip hazards by carefully locating the electrical cord.
  13. Halogen lights are not permitted in the studios, because the intense heat can cause combustible materials to ignite.
  14. No structural walls may be added to the space. Curtains, sheets or blankets may NOT be suspended as dividers in the studio space.
  15. You must keep your area clean and organized. Avoid storage of materials on the floor, which might create a tripping hazard.
  16. Exit routes must be kept clear at all times. Items left in the exit route will be moved.
  17. You must remove all trash and old materials daily. Use the appropriate bins.
  18. Do not suspend anything from the ceiling, light fixtures or sprinkler pipes/heads.
  19. To maintain security, do not prop open external doors.
  20. Music must be played at a reasonable sound level. Do not disrupt other students working in the space.
  21. The hours for private studio use are from 7 am until 2 am.
  22. You must leave the studio building immediately if requested by a Public Safety Officer. (students will be notified if access hours change)
  23. It is prohibited to place locks on personal cabinets/cupboards in the studio, unless it is possible to see the contents of the cabinet (glass, clear plastic, mesh, or drilled holes).
  24. All accidents and incidents must be reported to Public Safety using the red emergency phone or by calling 359-7500.
  25. Advice and assistance on these rules and guidelines are available from faculty, technicians or the EHS department (email: or call 309-0027).
  26. When clearing and leaving the studio, all personal belongings must be removed, the space must be left tidy and the walls must be left in the same manner that you found them.

Violating The Policy

The provision of a private studio space is a privilege. The following sequential actions will be initiated against individuals violating this policy. If a serious violation occurs, disciplinary action may be imposed without an initial or written warning. The disciplinary sanctions (Article VI) in the Student Handbook describe the list of sanctions that maybe imposed.

  1. Initial Warning
    A student who violates studio conduct will receive an initial warning either from faculty, a technician or from College Staff. This will be reported to a Public Safety Officer for record keeping.
  2. Written Warning
    A repeat offense will result in a written warning that will be placed in the students file. This may be initiated by faculty, a technician or from College Staff. This could lead to loss of studio space privileges.
  3. Disciplinary Action
    Further abuse of this policy will be forwarded to the VP for Student Life & Dean of Students for disciplinary action. This could lead to a fine, suspension or expulsion from the College.