Figure Models In The Studio

Drawing from life has been an essential tool in the history of the arts. Figure models are an essential part of learning to draw the human figure. The College recognizes the value of the service figure models provide to the Ringling College community.

Figure models are used in studios for the study of the nude and for portrait, costume and clothed poses.

Role Of The Instructor

The instructor is responsible for overseeing the work of the figure model during the class session. The instructor communicates the objectives and / or format of the class session to the figure model and offers criteria, suggestions and / or advice for poses. Figure models are asked to direct questions, ideas and concerns regarding the condition of the studio, the classroom environment or the pose, to the instructor.

All those who work in the studio share responsibility for behaving in a professional manner, and the instructor oversees the maintenance of the professional studio environment.

Role Of The Student

Students are responsible for following the guidelines set by the instructor, behaving in a professional manner, concentrating on their work and contributing to a positive learning experience in the studio.

Students should direct questions or concerns about the pose to the instructor.

Information & General Guidelines For Modeling Sessions

Figure models are the focus of the class and their performance and comfort level is critical to the successful fulfillment of the instructor’s objectives for the class. Professionalism is expected of all students at all times in their behavior toward figure models.

The following guidelines have been set forth:

  1. Students should be ready to work when the figure model takes the pose that has been determined by the instructor. It is impolite to continue talking or not work while the figure model is on the stand posing.
  2. Students should not address the figure model directly regarding the pose that the instructor has determined. When students suspect that a figure model has not correctly resumed the pose or shifted out of the pose, they should inform the instructor. It is recommended that students first verify that it is not their perspective of the pose that has changed such as a shift in their view of the figure model. If the instructor asks for feedback from students about correction of a pose, students should address the figure model in a professional manner.
  3. If the instructor will not be present for any part of a scheduled session, the designated student monitor will assume responsibility for the session. The monitor will refer to the “Standard Model Instructions” developed by the instructor at the beginning of the semester, specifically for use in the event of an instructor absence. The student monitor will handle questions and concerns from the students and / or figure model regarding the pose.
  4. Figure models appreciate knowing they have done a good job and it is appropriate to thank them for the contribution they have made to the learning experience.
  5. Concerns related to the figure modeling session should be directed to the instructor privately. Such concerns might include the figure model’s inability to hold a pose, excessive breaks taken by the figure model or students being rude or not working while the figure model is posing.
  6. The model stand is the figure model’s private space. Students should not sit or lean on the model stand while the figure model is posing.
  7. Figure models have been asked to avoid prolonged eye contact with students while posing, as this is distracting to all. Students should also avoid prolonged eye contact with the figure model.
  8. Students should refrain from making comments regarding the body type or personality of the figure model that could be interpreted as derogatory.
  9. Maintain friendly and polite interactions with figure models while on break. Figure models may want to look at student work to assist them in their posing.
  10. Always ask for permission to work in close proximity to the model stand if required for observational detail.
  11. The Ringling College Non-harassment Policy prohibits forms of harassment including, but not limited to, harassment based on gender, race, national origin, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability. Students should inform the instructor about any issues they may encounter in regards to inappropriate behavior in class or during breaks.

Use Of Undraped Figure Models At Ringling College Of Art and Design:

  • Undraped figure models will be used only in studios.
  • Unauthorized visitors are not permitted in studios when an undraped figure model is posing.
  • The instructor is responsible for authorizing access to the studio. Generally, only the instructor and students in the class may enter the studio once a class is in session Individuals requesting entry must knock on the door and wait outside for the instructor to allow time for an undraped figure model to put on a robe.
  • Unauthorized photography in the studio while the figure model is posing draped or undraped is NOT permitted. Cameras
    (including cell phone or PDA cameras) and photography by any parties are not permitted without prior, written approval of both the instructor AND the model coordinator. Release forms must be signed by the model and are kept on file with the model coordinator.