Environmental Health & Safety Policy

The Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Policy for Ringling College of Art and Design (Ringling College) demonstrates the commitment that the College assigns to matters of EHS. The President recognizes the importance of maintaining the health and safety of the College’s employees, students and visitors while at Ringling College. To that end, the College has adopted environmental protection procedures. The President has delegated duties to specific employees to facilitate the day to day operation of particular areas and activities.

Ringling College will establish and implement safe working and departmental rules and safety guidelines together with College- wide safety procedures for EHS issues.

In pursuit of the overall environmental health and safety objectives, Ringling College will:

  • Establish environmental health and safety procedures that relate to its academic and business objectives, as set out in the Strategic Plan and the Institution’s Core Values.
  • Ensure compliance with all legal requirements defined by Federal, State and local laws and regulations and commit to pursuing progressive improvements in environmental health and safety.
  • Ensure that information, instruction and training is provided to its employees and students in order that those involved are aware of and can fulfill their responsibilities safely.
  • Promote communication and consultation with employees and students to develop high levels of awareness and encourage their participation in environmental health and safety matters.
  • Conduct hazard assessments, inspections and monitoring programs to ensure compliance with the managerial and operational objectives.
  • Provide the staffing, financial and other resources, as necessary, to meet these objectives.
  • Review the Environmental Health and Safety Policy at least annually.


The policy applies to all faculty, staff, students and visitors and to all sites under the control of Ringling College.


The aims of this policy are to:

  1. Provide a safe working environment for employees, students and visitors.
  2. Reduce injuries and illnesses to the lowest possible level.
  3. Increase awareness and understanding of environmental health and safety arrangements and procedures.
  4. Outline duties for key personnel within Ringling College to implement this policy.


This policy meets the requirements of Federal, State and local laws and regulations to secure the environmental health and safety concerns for the campus community. Ringling College gives the highest priority to safeguarding the health and safety of its employees, students and visitors who may be affected by its operations. Ringling College will fulfill its commitment to these goals by:

  1. Providing and safely maintaining facilities, machinery and equipment.
  2. Handling, storing, transporting and disposing of substances and objects safely.
  3. Providing information, instruction, training and supervision.
  4. Providing safe access to and egress from the workplace.
  5. Providing suitable sanitation facilities.

Ringling College recognizes the importance of making appropriate arrangements for securing safe and healthy procedures. Effective planning, organization, control, monitoring and reviewing of the preventive and protective measures will be achieved by:

  1. Working to eliminate and/or reduce hazards.
  2. Controlling the risks.
  3. Removing or reducing exposure.
  4. Replacing dangerous materials and processes with safer ones.
  5. Training and supervising.
  6. Issuing personal protective equipment.

Responsibilities For Environmental Health & Safety
Organizational Structure for Environmental Health and Safety

Ringling College has established and maintains records of the procedures for the effective planning, organization, control, monitoring, and review of its preventative measures including:

  1. The appointment of appropriate staff including a Director of Environmental Health and Safety and a Director of Public Safety.
  2. Regular meetings of the Environmental Health and Safety Advisory Committee.
  3. Regular meetings of appropriate sub-committees.

The roles and responsibilities of key personnel with regard to environmental health and safety are as follows:


The Board of Trustees has overall oversight of policies that maintain a healthy and safe environment for employees, students and visitors to Ringling College. The Board of Trustees delegates the administration and the implementation of policy to the President. The President assigns duties and defined accountabilities to specific staff, in particular the Director of Environmental Health and Safety. The President charges and appoints the Environmental Health and Safety Advisory Committee and appoints the Vice President for Finance and Administration as chair. The President takes steps to provide sufficient personnel and resources dedicated to the implementation of the EHS Policy.

Vice Presidents

The Vice Presidents report directly to the President. They are responsible for equipment and facilities that meet the requirements for a safe and healthy work and learning environment.

Director of Environmental Health and Safety

The Director of Environmental Health and Safety has the administrative responsibility for the development, management and enforcement of occupational environmental health and safety programs for Ringling College. The Director reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and has the authority to stop any activity which puts people at risk of serious injury.

Director of Public Safety

The Director of Public Safety shall maintain the safety and wellbeing of the campus community including fire safety and first aid. The Director reports to the Vice President for Finance and Administration.

Department Heads

Department Heads are responsible for the development and management of their environmental health and safety academic programs. They have the authority to stop any work that puts people at risk of injury. The Department Heads report to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Managers and Supervisors

Managers and supervisors maintain the environmental health and safety of their staff and report through the normal hierarchy.

Employees (Faculty & Staff)

Employees should take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work. They should use all work items correctly and in accordance with their training. Employees also have a duty to inform the employer (supervisor or appropriate person, e.g.
Director of EHS) of any work situation that represents an immediate danger in their work environment.


Ringling College implements environmental health and safety procedures to fulfill its duty of care to its students. Ringling College will train and inform students about those aspects of environmental health and safety relating to their study. Students using the buildings and facilities provided by Ringling College have a responsibility to ensure that protection given to them is not misused. Misuse may lead to disciplinary action as specified under the student code of conduct.

Arrangements & Procedures For Environmental Health & Safety

General Arrangements

The Environmental Health and Safety Policy outlines the general arrangements in place throughout Ringling College for providing a safe and healthy working environment. It is available to all employees, both full-time and part-time, students, and visitors.

Safety Procedures

The safety procedures have been produced to supplement the information contained in this policy. They are available on Ringling College’s EHS website or from the department or program area. The safety procedures provide details of specific environmental, health or safety procedures. These are produced in consultation with Department Heads, Technical staff, and Administrative departments and are submitted for approval to the Environmental Health and Safety/Compliance Subcommittee.

Ringling College has an emergency response plan that details the arrangements for events including accidents and incidents, hazardous spills and first aid treatment. The campus is inspected regularly by various departments including Environmental Health and Safety, Public Safety, and Residence Life. This is one of the methods used to monitor implementation of Ringling College's EHS Policy.

Environmental Health and Safety Training

The EHS department develops and provides EHS training based upon job specific requirements. This includes general orientation training, and instruction on specific topics such as hazard communication and machine guarding. The EHS website provides a full list of available training for employees.

Training for students, which is specific to the activities occurring in the department or program areas, will be provided by faculty members.


The Environmental Health and Safety Advisory Committee will meet to review and/or recommend the adoption of policies and procedures for EHS issues. The Committee will also consider campus wide issues relating to industrial health and hygiene, security, and the campus facilities. The Environmental Health and Safety/Compliance Subcommittee will report to the Environmental Health and Safety Advisory Committee. The purpose of these committees is to assist Ringling College in achieving the objectives set by this policy. The membership and charge for the committees are available on the Human Resources website.

Enforcement of the Policy

Ringling College will take seriously any violation of the EHS Policy by employees or students. A breach of this Policy will be investigated and where appropriate, action will be considered under the disciplinary code for employees / students.

Access to the Policy

This Policy will be posted on the Human Resources and EHS websites. If requested, a hardcopy is available from the department of EHS.